Women working at every level matter and should be treated without bias. Over the years, women have made great achievements in different sectors. Farmer’s Choice Limited has a different story to tell on equality, meet Millicent Nduta a general worker at Farmer’s Choice limited whose presence made an impact on the company for the past 35 years.
Millicent started working for Farmer’s Choice Limited when she was still a young girl full of dreams. During this period, it was still a small building in the Roysambu area. Millicent narrates to us how they used their hands to partake in every process in the company before the technological age. When the digital process was introduced and the company moved to a bigger area in Kahawa West. Despite her advanced age by the time the company grew, she was able to adapt to the digital system through the company’s regular training with ease.
“Over the years, the company has given opportunities to not only men but also women who were hired in large numbers,” she says.
She urges women never to underestimate what they do since for her as ‘mtu wa mkono’ (general worker), she was able to educate her children, provide for her family, and even built a home. In addition, she encourages them to never give up regardless of the challenges they go through. They should stand tall as the pillars of society because once they succeed it’s all worth it.
“There were times I really cried when I was expected to do better, but I never quit because it is not an option especially for me as a woman,” says Millicent. Loving yourself, not comparing yourself to other people, being slow to anger, and seeking counsel goes a long way.
Millicent Nduta, just like most other women in the world today supports the #CHOOSETOCHALLENGE to celebrate women’s achievements, create awareness on the bias, and foster action on equality.