When 13 November 2023 was declared a National Tree Planting Day by the Government, Farmer’s Choice was delighted because it aligns with our sustainability strategy as a business.
Through the recent years, we have planted over 50,000 trees (specifically fruit trees) within our own green areas as well as in the local community – schools and other institutions. Being a company whose operations are geared towards provision our quality meat and meat products, fruit trees ensure families are getting complementary nutrition.
In our bid to make a contribution towards achieving SDG 3 (Good Health and wellbeing) and SDG 13 (Climate Action), today we managed to plant over 160 indigenous and fruit trees within our Nothern Site premises, in Kahawa Primary and in Kahawa West Dispensary. We thank all participants, specifically our members of staff who came out to be part of this noble cause, putting a smile on mother-nature, one tree at a time.