Hon Jonathan Mueke visit to factory Jan 2024

Principal Secretary of the State Department for Livestock Development, Hon. Jonathan Mueke, CBS visited Farmer’s Choice headquarters in Kahawa West, Nairobi on 31 January 2024 . Through a fruitful session where he met our Managing Director Mr. James Taylor, Deputy Managing Director Ms. Felisters Gitau, and top management, the PS was engaged on how the government can support the livestock industry for the benefit of all stakeholders. Mr. Taylor advocated for a reduction in import duties to alleviate the pressure of high raw material.
At the culmination of his visit, the PS toured our recently upgraded factory to appreciate the end to end process of receiving, slaughtering, processing and packaging.
As a leading player, Farmer’s Choice is actively engaging in government-private sector partnerships to propel the industry forward, maximize local potential, optimize returns for farmers, position Kenyan meat products for global consumption and more importantly, cultivate a sustainable growth of the Kenyan livestock industry

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